Embracing 2014 with open arms

I am so excited about 2014!  Are you?  It is only January 15th and I have my goals set out for 2014, they are clear, specific and achievable.  I have cleared and let go of what no longer serves me and am ready to receive, with open arms.  I am open to new experiences and adventure and I embrace all that is required for my highest good.  2014 will be another year of living outside of my comfort zone (which is not always easy), but I cannot imagine living my life any other way anymore.  Living this way makes me feel alive, I feel like I am living in this world instead of just being in this world.  And I will always choose to live in this world.

What are your goals for 2014, have you put things into action to reach those goals?  If not, why not?  What is holding you back?  You can choose to live the life you want, at any given moment.  Make 2014 your year!  Spread your wings and fly!


Spread your wings and fly


Celebrating 2013

Where has 2013 gone?  It has just sped by like an express train and at the same velocity!

We now find ourselves in December, nearing 2014….  As I sit here writing this I reflect on what I have achieved in the last 11 months.  And I must admit, I am very happy with it all!  So now I celebrate!  There is no use in achieving something if you are not going to acknowledge and celebrate it, so that is exactly what I have been doing and will continue to do until 2014 comes around.  YAY!

I am now thinking about and planning what I want to achieve in 2014.  And there is a lot!  I am excited!  It is going to be an Amazing and exciting year and another year of “firsts” for me, living outside my comfort zone (where all the fun happens!)  Did I mention that I am excited!

Have you had a chance to reflect on the year that was and where you want to head in 2014?  Celebrate all your achievements, big and small, they ALL matter!

Wishing you and your families’ a JOYous holiday season.  May 2014 bring you Peace, Love & Joy!

Thank you for your support over the years, it is greatly appreciated, I appreciate YOU!

With many thanks and love from my heart to yours,

Amalia xx


Truth, Integrity, Love Activist

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What does truth, integrity and love mean to you? 

I have discovered that this is the essence of me.  Truth.  Integrity.  Love.  I am passionate about all three equally.  For me, this is what being REAL is.

If you look at the meaning of the words in the dictionary, this is what you’ll get:

Truth:  The true or actual state of a matter.
Integrity:  Adherence to moral and ethical principles, honesty.
Love:  A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

My interpretation of these words is this:

Truth:  I know in my gut when someone is not being truthful, I can feel the inauthenticity, I can see it clearly.  Therefore I can tell when someone is being truthful and authentic with themselves and other people.  If I am not being truthful (either to myself or someone else), my body and soul do not cope well at all.  To the point where I need to ensure that the truth comes out regardless of the outcome.

Integrity:  For me, I believe if you say you are going to do something, then you ensure that you do it.  Unless some emergency comes up and you are unable to fulfil your commitment, then in that case you arrange an alternative option to fulfil your commitment and stand by your word.  I believe that “Your word is your deed.”  Simple as that.

Love:  I feel love in everything and everywhere.  When I see someone, I not only see the physical form but I also see the pure love that is within that person, their soul which is just pure love.  Love for me, is like air for breathing, without love, I cannot survive.

No one is perfect, there are times where we stuff up, but hey, that’s life.  But as a way of life, I aim to live my life in truth, with integrity and filled with love.    I will share with you my journey in life and hope to inspire you to be open to truth, integrity and love residing in your own life too.

Be Inspiring!


Love, Fun & Freedom 2013 Event

Amalia De Luca and Carmine Caputo have proudly presented 

Love Fun & Freedom 2013 postcard

Have a look at Amalia’s introduction below
or via YouTube  here:  http://youtu.be/XOOsmfdlMIc

What was Included:

 *30 Page Life Transformation & Success Journal

* Free copy of Dr Wayne Dyer’s book: A New Way Of Thinking, A New Way Of Being

* Thousands of dollars worth of well-being knowledge and wisdom from the speakers

* Guidance through a high energy, fun & interactive program

* Amazing release technique by Laura Walsh of Spiritual Reconnection

 * Soul Song by Erica Morris

* Conference bag with complimentary gifts

* Connections with a community who will support each other on their journey

More about Amalia
Amalia 9a 



Having a baby 1Five months ago I embarked on co-creating a life transformational 1 day event with my dear friend Carmine.  Before taking this massive leap out of my comfort zone I already knew the enormity of what it was that we were going to do and how it would change our lives forever.  I knew that come September 7, 2013 I would be a different woman, I would have grown emotionally and spiritually, and that from that point on, my life would take a different path (for the better).

So with this in mind I set off and embarked on a journey of personal growth and planning for this big day.  In some way this whole process has been a little like having your first child…..  When you are pregnant with your first child you are excited and anxious all at the same time, and the whole time during your pregnancy people are touching your belly (without asking), giving you advice (without you even asking for it, even if they haven’t had a child themselves), and put it upon themselves to share all the horror stories they have heard about child birth with you.  It has been interesting, to say the least, to see the same process happening on our journey to create this event.  So I can now call this event my first baby!  After having three children myself, I know for a fact that it does get easier, and that it is always about the journey, not just the destination.

We held a pilot session of the day where we went through the whole day and the life transformation and success journal with a group of participants.  What we found was that even without all the bells and whistles that we are going to have on September 7, 2013 the course worked!  The transformation and emotional freedom that we witnessed in ALL the participants on that day was outstanding!  It worked!  Our programme worked!!!!!  All the hours and time spent working on this programme, was all worthwhile to see this amazing result of happiness and inner peace from all these participants.

I have learnt so much whilst being on this journey and I am so grateful for it all (good and not so good).  I have grown in so many ways and there is still four weeks to go……  I am still excited about what is ahead for me and what the future holds.  I am so grateful that I took the leap out of my comfort zone because if I hadn’t I would never have known all the amazing things that I do now, I would never have met the people that I have so far and I would never have had the experiences that I have had so far.

If there is something that you have always wanted to do in your life, I urge you to take action now.  Push aside that fear, the doubts, the naysayers, and follow your heart, I promise you that your life will never be the same, it will be BETTER!  You have nothing to lose but so much to gain.

We would love to see you at our 1 day transformational event and to be able to share it with you.  If you’re interested in buying tickets then click on this link http://amaliadeluca.com/.  Just under 4 weeks left before our event and programme goes live.

Thanks for listening and I hope that your journey is what you want it to be…..

Amalia xx


live-life-dogI have asked myself this question many times.

The short answer is this.

I want you to feel the freedom and inner peace that I do.

What does that mean?

Do you feel like you really want to do something, but something is holding you back?  Is it fear?  Are you waiting for something else to happen before you can achieve your goal? Are you blaming someone else for the reason that you are not doing it?

Well, by empowering you, you don’t need to get involved in that ‘story’ that you have been telling yourself.  You ‘just do it’ now.  No more waiting, you take the action step and just do it now!

What happens then is a sense of purpose in you.  You are happy!  You are filled with a sense of freedom and inner peace because you are doing something you have always wanted to, life is great!

Fear is always there, always.  It’s a matter of asking yourself this question, will you allow ‘fear’ to guide your life or will you push ‘fear’ aside and take control of your life to guide it to where you want to go?  I know what my answer is.

You have decided to have this journey in this life, so make the most of it and live it as you really want to live it.  What are you waiting for?  Time is running out.  Do it now!

Be the best version of yourself that you can be!

Amalia xx


Angel Blessings

Video attached below.

Today was spent with my beautiful family enjoying the magnificent sunshine that greeted us in Melbourne.  What a perfect day for winter!  We walked to our local park and I sat and enjoyed watching my kids laughing, playing, meeting new friends and having so much FUN!  I was in Bliss as I sat on the cool grass and connected with the great Mother Earth while the beautiful sun was shining down on my face and warming me through to my soul, while listening to the laughs and giggles of my children playing.  Perfect!

I started taking photos of my children playing and was amazed at what I saw……

Clearly, through the camera lens and also on the photo, there was an Angel orb.  So I started snapping away, savouring this special moment.  Then my son yelled, mum video tape us.  So I did.  Watching the video back, the Angel orb seemed to be playing with my children, it felt like it was smiling and having fun too!  I gave thanks to it for watching over my children and for showing themselves to us.  Feeling very blessed for such a beautiful experience and a magical day with my family!  I have attached the video below.

Notice the signs from your Angels and give thanks when you see them.

Many Blessings,

Amalia xx


Many Hats

photoSome days I feel like I am switching hats constantly! One minute I have my mum hat on, then I take that off and put on my business woman hat, then I take that one off and put on my healer hat and the list goes on!!! I have become very good at noticing when the hats change, it is amazing to see how we can be so versatile.

My hats consist of mum, wife, healer, teacher, leader, motivator, Goddess, warrior, friend, daughter, sister, grand daughter, parent, etc….

Lately my hats seem to be changing at lot more quickly, I guess that’s because of everything I am striving for this year. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, I am happy!  I can be a mum to young children and still be the Goddess business woman that leads the way for others. I am doing this for me, to fulfil my dreams and to follow my passion, but it also demonstrates to my children that they too can do whatever they put their mind to no matter what their circumstances are.

We always have a choice in life, choose wisely. Actively seek the life you have always dreamed of, it will not just fall in your lap, you need to work towards it, only then will you be rewarded with the manifestation of your dreams coming into reality. #lovefunfreedom2013

Dream Big!

Amalia xx



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I had planned with a friend to drive to the 1,000 steps Kakoda Trail in The Dandenong mountains so that we could walk it together.

It’s a tough climb up, which gets your heart rate going to the point where you feel like it is going to burst out of your body! Your breathing is heavy and you struggle to take a breath. But once you get to the top it is the most rewarding feeling ever! The steps are set amongst the most beautiful trees, plants and streams that run through it and as tough as it is, you can’t help but take in the beauty that surrounds you. The descent back down the steps is easier but tough on your knees and legs. The steps can be quite slippery so you are carefully placing your feet firmly on the steps as you make your way down.

This day I was on my way to the 1,000 steps when my friend called me to say that she decided not to go because it was raining. It was actually raining pretty heavy. I could see her point that the steps would be much slipperier and the trail would be muddy. But I told her that I was still going, alone.

As I was driving there (after the phone call from my friend), my ego was having a field day!!! It’s raining, turn around and go home where it’s warm. It’s not safe alone. You will get drenched. What if something happens, turn around and go home. But I persevered. I just kept driving there regardless of what my ego was saying. To counteract the ego, I was asking my Angels to clear the rain for me during my walk, so that I wouldn’t get drenched. I was asking them to ensure my safety and well being.

As I got there the rain stopped!

I started walking and instantly I could sense Archangel Michael walking beside me. I was safe.

This was the most amazing walk I’ve ever done. It was in pure silence that I walked up the mountain, one foot in front of the other, I was in a state of peace. I was breathing in the beauty of Mother Nature around me and inhaling the fresh clear air.

Now normally this trail has heaps of people on it, but today I was lucky to only see about 10 people in total there, so I was walking this path alone (aside from AA Michael) and it felt beautiful as I was connecting to ‘self’ and the magnificent Mother Nature.

When I finished and I got back to my car, it started raining again! Gotta love it how the Angels help when you ask! I thanked my beautiful Angels for holding it off for me until I had finished and for being with me every step of the way.

I felt truly blessed to have had such a magical experience. My determination is what got me there and pushed me to succeed and without it I would not have experienced such bliss.

Allow your determination to take you to places that feed your soul. Be determined, be free! #lovefunfreedom2013

Many Blessings,

Amalia xx
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Are you serious?!?

Are you serious

For a while now I have known that I needed to share my wisdom and experience with the world, but have put it off with many excuses….  Until one day whilst at an event as a participant I was struck with inspiration, I’ll call it that for now.  Allow me to explain.

We were doing a meditation exercise when I received a very clear message from my spiritual support team (meaning angels, guides, Ascended Masters and alike).  We have had a very strong connection for a long time, so it was no surprise when a message was coming through for me.  However I did not expect the message they were coming through with, it hit me for a six!  They came through very powerful and serious, saying it was time to Step Up!  No more playing small, it was now time to step up in a BIG way!  They shared with me a vision of my path ahead in this life and the work that I was going to be doing.  They were very clever though, they didn’t show me the full picture, saying that I wasn’t ready to see it all just yet.  (cheeky aren’t they?)  I must say, from what I saw I was not happy at the time!  It was a tense moment with me arguing with them about the magnitude of what they were asking me to do.  How could they expect that of little old Amalia????  Were they serious???  They assured me that I wouldn’t be alone and that they would be with me the whole way.

So with this new information, we had a break in the event and I needed space to breathe…  So I found myself in a toilet cubicle and the tears were streaming down my face, I was heaving crying and it was as if my soul was coming to terms with what I had been shown and my path ahead.  I knew that I did not have an option to say no, they made that very clear….  So after half an hour of this intense crying I picked myself up and went back to the event.

It took me a whole week to integrate this new information; it was a pretty long week I must say!  And then as if by miracle I accepted it, I was at ease with it, I was at peace, and knew that I was fully supported always.  I now had this driving force inside me that was pushing me forward.  There was a determination buried deep within me that was guiding me to do the things that I had been putting aside till “one day”….  All I knew from that moment was that I could not, NOT do it.  I just had to DO IT no matter what!  So that is when I decided that this event had to be created NOW!  No more waiting until I felt ready, no more waiting for the right time, it had to happen now.

And it is!  I am excited about the day of this event, it is going to be so transformational for so many and it will create a ‘magic’ that people can take away with them to use in their daily lives.  People are now ready to step up as I did and make a change.  We are ALL ready NOW!  I would love to spend this magical day with you, share all my knowledge with you and support you in your journey forward.  We are all ONE and we are all connected.  Let’s remember this connection and nurture it so that is becomes stronger and more powerful so that we can all make a positive difference in the world that we live in.

Are YOU ready to step into your full potential now?

Hope to see you on 7th September 2013 at the Melbourne Convention Centre!

Many blessings,

Amalia    xx