Five months ago I embarked on co-creating a life transformational 1 day event with my dear friend Carmine. Before taking this massive leap out of my comfort zone I already knew the enormity of what it was that we were going to do and how it would change our lives forever. I knew that come September 7, 2013 I would be a different woman, I would have grown emotionally and spiritually, and that from that point on, my life would take a different path (for the better).
So with this in mind I set off and embarked on a journey of personal growth and planning for this big day. In some way this whole process has been a little like having your first child….. When you are pregnant with your first child you are excited and anxious all at the same time, and the whole time during your pregnancy people are touching your belly (without asking), giving you advice (without you even asking for it, even if they haven’t had a child themselves), and put it upon themselves to share all the horror stories they have heard about child birth with you. It has been interesting, to say the least, to see the same process happening on our journey to create this event. So I can now call this event my first baby! After having three children myself, I know for a fact that it does get easier, and that it is always about the journey, not just the destination.
We held a pilot session of the day where we went through the whole day and the life transformation and success journal with a group of participants. What we found was that even without all the bells and whistles that we are going to have on September 7, 2013 the course worked! The transformation and emotional freedom that we witnessed in ALL the participants on that day was outstanding! It worked! Our programme worked!!!!! All the hours and time spent working on this programme, was all worthwhile to see this amazing result of happiness and inner peace from all these participants.
I have learnt so much whilst being on this journey and I am so grateful for it all (good and not so good). I have grown in so many ways and there is still four weeks to go…… I am still excited about what is ahead for me and what the future holds. I am so grateful that I took the leap out of my comfort zone because if I hadn’t I would never have known all the amazing things that I do now, I would never have met the people that I have so far and I would never have had the experiences that I have had so far.
If there is something that you have always wanted to do in your life, I urge you to take action now. Push aside that fear, the doubts, the naysayers, and follow your heart, I promise you that your life will never be the same, it will be BETTER! You have nothing to lose but so much to gain.
We would love to see you at our 1 day transformational event and to be able to share it with you. If you’re interested in buying tickets then click on this link Just under 4 weeks left before our event and programme goes live.
Thanks for listening and I hope that your journey is what you want it to be…..
Amalia xx