Amalia always thought that she was playing big in life, but soon realised that her perception of playing big was always with a safety net. She never understood why she wasn’t fully happy, she had everything, but still something was missing….. Until she woke up. She realised that she needed to step out of that comfort zone and into the unknown, with no safety net. That’s where the real magic happens. So she took the steps and hasn’t looked back since. As a result of taking those steps, her life has been transformed.
There are no more excuses, no more victim thinking (poor me), no more blaming others for her life, no more repeating a past story and basing her life on that and no more playing it small.
Now she says Yes to life, continuously makes sure she is out of her comfort zone, stepping up in life, taking 100% responsibility for her life and living and experiencing in this world as opposed to just being in this world. Her life is Abundant now, it is full with everything that she desires and she is fulfilled. Happiness is now her way of life. Amalia is so excited to share her wisdom and knowledge with you, you will be blown away with just how easy it is, and grateful that someone has finally shared with you how to do the same and feel that same inner peace.
Read more about Amalia HERE