2 Days.
60km walk.
6 hours walk on day 1.
6 hours walk on day 2.
4 hours sleep over a 48 hour period.
Who would of thought?
Just 1 year ago I was not in any state, physically or mentally, to embark on such a massive walk. 1 year ago, my body was in constant pain and full of inflammation. I was heavy, carrying more weight than my body could bare. Everyday living was taking a toll on me. My Fibromyalgia was always a constant reminder to take it easy, don’t push my body too much otherwise it would shut down for weeks! I was living with chronic pain every day, 24/7, my energy levels were non-existent but yet I still had to push myself to be a mum, wife, run my business, all with no energy. It was a daily routine of pure exhaustion. Yet I thought that was just how it had to be forever. I had tried so many things over the years and nothing had worked. So I had resigned to the fact that, that was just the way it was.
But I found another way. And as a result I want to share it with the world in the hope that others suffering with chronic pain day in and day out can be pain free and full of energy too!
This is what I did. I detoxed my life! It was a slow process, from changing my food to things like my toothpaste, face creams, sunscreen, washing liquid for dishes & washing machine, deodorant, bathroom products, laundry products, the list can go on for miles…. I did it slowly and before I knew it, my life was transformed from being surrounded by toxins to a toxin free environment. And I felt Amazing.
Not only was I physically healthy but I was helping to preserve our beautiful sacred earth that we are living on and helping it to heal instead of polluting it with toxins day in and day out. My heart was singing with JOY!
Also I could sleep easy at night knowing that I was doing everything I could to ensure my children were as toxin free as possible (which can sometimes be quite challenging), but I was winning!
The end result is that I was able to walk (comfortably), 60km over 2 days and raise over $4,000 for research into Women’s Cancers. Yes my legs hurt and my feet ached, but after a good nights sleep, I felt Amazing! My recovery was short and my body sprung back with ease. This in itself is a miracle! I know I can now push my body and know that it can handle it, because I have done all that I can to feed it all the right foods, exercised, removed toxins and sugars from my life. And as a result, my body is thriving from it, thanking me for looking after it. I now understand that my body is my temple and that I need to look after it, and as a result, it will look after me….
If you would like to transform your world into a toxin free environment, contact me on amalia@amaliadeluca.com and I can show you how. Make a small change today towards a new world of tomorrow.