Nearly 2 years ago I turned the page of my wall calendar to reveal the next month. As I did this, the picture caught my eye. I found myself immersed in this picture which was of a mountain high in the sky. It was called Machu Picchu. I was entranced by its beauty. So I googled it to find out more about this hypnotic place.
The more I read about this place, the stronger my feelings got towards it. A connection was being made and it was only getting stronger.
Then little synchronicities started occurring. Everywhere I went, I kept hearing about Macchu Picchu, on the radio, the tv, in a cafe… It was endless. Pictures were popping up everywhere and I was noticing them all.
Before I knew it, I found myself blurting out, I am going there this year!
Well, that comment was the start of a massive transformation for me. It was all I could think about. I researched, I read, I talked, I felt and imagined what it would be like to be standing on top of this sacred land Machu Picchu. My sense was as if I was going ‘home’….
So I braced myself and told my husband John and 3 young children that this was happening and that I just had to go to Peru this year!
John was in shock. He had many emotions come up for him, one was of fear for my safety for going to a third world country alone. It took a lot of convincing to reassure John that it would all be ok. And of course my children were devastated that I was going without them! I explained in detail how this was something “mum” just had to do and that I still loved them immensely.
Once John and the kids were on board I got to manifesting my dream into reality…. I created a vision board and on it I put everything that I wanted to see whilst over in Peru, along with a picture of myself standing on top of Machu Picchu. I placed this vision board in my bedroom above my mirror, which is directly in front of my bed. So when I went sleep at night, the last thing I saw was the vision board and when I woke up in the morning, the first thing I saw was my vision board.
Every time I saw it, it would create an emotion from me, I would get teary thinking about how it would feel to be standing on Machu Picchu. I would be determined to make this a reality, it was fueling the fire in my belly to make this happen. I was telling everyone I spoke to that I was going to Peru that year. I was affirming, what to me, was a reality.
As the year went on, I got distracted….. I think that happens to the best of us! I started creating huge goals (other than Peru) and got immersed in them. This meant that Peru was most likely not going to happen…. When it got to the end of the year, and I hadn’t gotten to go to Peru, I was Devastated! I was reflecting on the past year and my heart was grieving for not following it over to Peru but allowing myself to be distracted by other things. There were what seemed like floods of tears and deep heaving as the the grief was coming out. I was shattered and it felt like my heart was broken into tiny little pieces.
It was time to reassess. So John & I had a discussion…. It was authentic, real and deep, it was as if we were talking to each other from our souls, pure honesty. I communicated my deep desire to go to Machu Picchu and how I could not move forward if I didn’t go by the following year. He shared his fears again, but got to a place where he understood how important this was for me. Then out of the blue he said that he wanted to come with me. I wasn’t sure what to make out of it? This was definitely not his type of holiday, his type of holiday was sitting by a pool, drinking beers, just relaxing. I was afraid that if he came with me to Peru, he would not enjoy it and then ruin it for me. This was a spiritual journey for me and that’s what I wanted to focus on.
Then with more communication, I realized that he wanted to come along because he knew how much it meant to me and he wanted to share it with me (even if it meant that he would be out of his comfort zone, big time)! That’s when I realized that this journey wasn’t just a spiritual one for me, but also a journey of reconnecting and strengthening the bond between John & I. This journey was also bringing John and I closer, enhancing our bond and creating something even more special than we have ever had…
So with that, we agreed to embark on an adventure to Peru together. This was the turning point. Before we knew it we had secured flights, tours and accommodation. This was really happening! Don’t think it was easy though….. We worked at it. We didn’t have that kind of money to spend on an overseas trip for one person, let alone two people! We had to work out where our three children would be staying and make sure that they were ok with both of us going away for 3 weeks. We had to let go of fears that were coming up for both of us for stepping way out of our comfort zones and push past them. The difference now was though, that we were both on the same page and we were working together.
It is now two weeks until we fly out. Embarking on an adventure of a lifetime. And I look back and reflect on how this has all become a reality…..
– It all started with the turning of a page on a calendar.
– Then committing to going.
– Creating a vision board.
– Taking action steps and staying focused to make it a reality.
– Being completely authentic and honest about what was in our core, our heart.
– And finally, loving myself enough to follow my heart and allow myself to receive. I am worthy. I deserve this.
When I look back at my vision board, it still blows me away…. It is a simple vision board, on a small piece of cardboard. Nothing fancy. However, it had generated the feelings required in order to attract my desire. This simple vision board had worked! And we are going to everywhere I had put on it. Amazing!
I will keep you updated about our adventure and travels. But for now I will leave you with this. Follow your heart, no dream is too big. If you dream it, it can become a reality! You are worthy. Allow yourself to receive and then watch as the miracles abound around you! And try a vision board, if you haven’t already. Vision boards have allowed me to reach many goals in my life, and they work.
With many blessings,
Amalia xx