Truth, Integrity, Love Activist

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What does truth, integrity and love mean to you? 

I have discovered that this is the essence of me.  Truth.  Integrity.  Love.  I am passionate about all three equally.  For me, this is what being REAL is.

If you look at the meaning of the words in the dictionary, this is what you’ll get:

Truth:  The true or actual state of a matter.
Integrity:  Adherence to moral and ethical principles, honesty.
Love:  A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

My interpretation of these words is this:

Truth:  I know in my gut when someone is not being truthful, I can feel the inauthenticity, I can see it clearly.  Therefore I can tell when someone is being truthful and authentic with themselves and other people.  If I am not being truthful (either to myself or someone else), my body and soul do not cope well at all.  To the point where I need to ensure that the truth comes out regardless of the outcome.

Integrity:  For me, I believe if you say you are going to do something, then you ensure that you do it.  Unless some emergency comes up and you are unable to fulfil your commitment, then in that case you arrange an alternative option to fulfil your commitment and stand by your word.  I believe that “Your word is your deed.”  Simple as that.

Love:  I feel love in everything and everywhere.  When I see someone, I not only see the physical form but I also see the pure love that is within that person, their soul which is just pure love.  Love for me, is like air for breathing, without love, I cannot survive.

No one is perfect, there are times where we stuff up, but hey, that’s life.  But as a way of life, I aim to live my life in truth, with integrity and filled with love.    I will share with you my journey in life and hope to inspire you to be open to truth, integrity and love residing in your own life too.

Be Inspiring!

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Michelle November 4, 2013, 7:03 am

    I am inspired! Thanks, Amalia … love what you have shared and love your authenticity. Actually, I love YOU! 🙂

    • amaliade December 4, 2013, 3:18 am

      Thank you Michelle! Love your comment and I love you too! 🙂


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