I have asked myself this question many times.
The short answer is this.
I want you to feel the freedom and inner peace that I do.
What does that mean?
Do you feel like you really want to do something, but something is holding you back? Is it fear? Are you waiting for something else to happen before you can achieve your goal? Are you blaming someone else for the reason that you are not doing it?
Well, by empowering you, you don’t need to get involved in that ‘story’ that you have been telling yourself. You ‘just do it’ now. No more waiting, you take the action step and just do it now!
What happens then is a sense of purpose in you. You are happy! You are filled with a sense of freedom and inner peace because you are doing something you have always wanted to, life is great!
Fear is always there, always. It’s a matter of asking yourself this question, will you allow ‘fear’ to guide your life or will you push ‘fear’ aside and take control of your life to guide it to where you want to go? I know what my answer is.
You have decided to have this journey in this life, so make the most of it and live it as you really want to live it. What are you waiting for? Time is running out. Do it now!
Be the best version of yourself that you can be!
Amalia xx