Many Hats

photoSome days I feel like I am switching hats constantly! One minute I have my mum hat on, then I take that off and put on my business woman hat, then I take that one off and put on my healer hat and the list goes on!!! I have become very good at noticing when the hats change, it is amazing to see how we can be so versatile.

My hats consist of mum, wife, healer, teacher, leader, motivator, Goddess, warrior, friend, daughter, sister, grand daughter, parent, etc….

Lately my hats seem to be changing at lot more quickly, I guess that’s because of everything I am striving for this year. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, I am happy!  I can be a mum to young children and still be the Goddess business woman that leads the way for others. I am doing this for me, to fulfil my dreams and to follow my passion, but it also demonstrates to my children that they too can do whatever they put their mind to no matter what their circumstances are.

We always have a choice in life, choose wisely. Actively seek the life you have always dreamed of, it will not just fall in your lap, you need to work towards it, only then will you be rewarded with the manifestation of your dreams coming into reality. #lovefunfreedom2013

Dream Big!

Amalia xx

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