Are you serious?!?

Are you serious

For a while now I have known that I needed to share my wisdom and experience with the world, but have put it off with many excuses….  Until one day whilst at an event as a participant I was struck with inspiration, I’ll call it that for now.  Allow me to explain.

We were doing a meditation exercise when I received a very clear message from my spiritual support team (meaning angels, guides, Ascended Masters and alike).  We have had a very strong connection for a long time, so it was no surprise when a message was coming through for me.  However I did not expect the message they were coming through with, it hit me for a six!  They came through very powerful and serious, saying it was time to Step Up!  No more playing small, it was now time to step up in a BIG way!  They shared with me a vision of my path ahead in this life and the work that I was going to be doing.  They were very clever though, they didn’t show me the full picture, saying that I wasn’t ready to see it all just yet.  (cheeky aren’t they?)  I must say, from what I saw I was not happy at the time!  It was a tense moment with me arguing with them about the magnitude of what they were asking me to do.  How could they expect that of little old Amalia????  Were they serious???  They assured me that I wouldn’t be alone and that they would be with me the whole way.

So with this new information, we had a break in the event and I needed space to breathe…  So I found myself in a toilet cubicle and the tears were streaming down my face, I was heaving crying and it was as if my soul was coming to terms with what I had been shown and my path ahead.  I knew that I did not have an option to say no, they made that very clear….  So after half an hour of this intense crying I picked myself up and went back to the event.

It took me a whole week to integrate this new information; it was a pretty long week I must say!  And then as if by miracle I accepted it, I was at ease with it, I was at peace, and knew that I was fully supported always.  I now had this driving force inside me that was pushing me forward.  There was a determination buried deep within me that was guiding me to do the things that I had been putting aside till “one day”….  All I knew from that moment was that I could not, NOT do it.  I just had to DO IT no matter what!  So that is when I decided that this event had to be created NOW!  No more waiting until I felt ready, no more waiting for the right time, it had to happen now.

And it is!  I am excited about the day of this event, it is going to be so transformational for so many and it will create a ‘magic’ that people can take away with them to use in their daily lives.  People are now ready to step up as I did and make a change.  We are ALL ready NOW!  I would love to spend this magical day with you, share all my knowledge with you and support you in your journey forward.  We are all ONE and we are all connected.  Let’s remember this connection and nurture it so that is becomes stronger and more powerful so that we can all make a positive difference in the world that we live in.

Are YOU ready to step into your full potential now?

Hope to see you on 7th September 2013 at the Melbourne Convention Centre!

Many blessings,

Amalia    xx 


{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Davine June 16, 2013, 3:46 am

    So glad you have joined the bloging world, angels like you are needed.

  • amaliade June 20, 2013, 11:16 am

    Thank you Davine, it was a long time coming! But I finally made it here….. hahaha 🙂


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